Dr. Lidia Yshii DDS, PhD

Group Leader, Laboratory of Neuroinflammation,
KU Leuven

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine,
KU Leuven

Leuven | Belgium

Lidia Yshii graduated in 2003 as a doctor in dental surgery at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. In 2011, she obtained a PhD in Biomedical Sciences at the same institution.

In 2013 Lidia moved to France to start post-doctoral research in neuroimmunology, investigating T cells and their contribution to autoimmune diseases with Professor Roland Liblau at Toulouse Institute for Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases (Inserm UMR1291).

In 2019, she joined the team of Professor Adrian Liston at the VIB-KU Leuven, where she led a cross-departmental project to develop a gene delivery system of cytokine IL2 that has therapeutic value in different models of neuroinflammation. 

Lidia’s research combines her expertise in cellular immunology to investigate the interactions between immune cells and resident cells of the brain and their roles in health and neurological diseases.